
PENTAX Film Project Club House Diary vol. 8

AAAMYYY (Amy), Takao Iwasawa, Makoto Iikawa, Takeo Suzuki

PENTAX Film Project Club House Diary vol. 8

This series follows the PENTAX's “Film Camera Project”, whose goal is to "manufacture new film cameras." This time our guests are AAAMYYY (Amy), a singer, songwriter and trackmaker who is also a member of Tempalay, and photographer Takao Iwasawa, who is a close friend of Amy and a longtime contributor to this magazine. The discussion about film cameras with Makoto Iikawa, Manager of the 2nd Development Department, Development Center, PENTAX Division, Ricoh Imaging Company, Ltd., and Takeo Suzuki(TKO), Product Planner and Designer at Ricoh Imaging, was once again a great success.

The full conversation can be read on the Barfout! website