The Darkroom Cookbook

Handy guide by Steve Anchell

The Darkroom Cookbook, 4th Edition by Steve Anchell

This is the classic guide for analog photography enthusiasts interested in high-quality darkroom work. Packed with over 200 “recipes”, some common and others rare gems, you'll discover something new every time you open this guide, whether you're new to the darkroom or have been making your own prints for years.

In addition to the “recipes” for darkroom experiments, you'll find tons of useful information on developers, push-processing, where to get darkroom equipment, how to set up your own darkroom, how to work and play in your darkroom safely, and much more.

This handy guide will become a constant companion for every darkroom enthusiast creating prints at home or in the studio. In addition to complete updates throughout to reflect changes in the availability of chemicals and equipment, this third edition contains all new information on:

  • Reversal processing
  • Enlarged negatives
  • Pyro formulas
  • Plus expanded sections on printing, pyro, and toning prints

Also included for the first time are special technique contributions as well as stunning black and white imagery by Bruce Barnbaum, Rod Dresser, Jay Dusard, Patrick Gainer, Richard Garrod, Henry Gilpin, Gordon Hutchings, Sandy King, Les McLean, Saïd Nuseibeh, France Scully Osterman, Mark Osterman, Tim Rudman, Ryuijie, John Sexton, and John Wimberly.

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Steve Anchell is a photographer and author of The Variable Contrast Printing Manual, and co-author of The Film Developing Cookbook. He has been teaching darkroom and photography workshops since 1979. Steve is a member of the Freestyle Advisory Board of Photographic Professionals.

With its unrivaled collection of photographic formulae and easy to understand explanations of photographic processes, The Darkroom Cookbook has long been a favorite with darkroom workers everywhere. Now, with further additions to its formulary, more topics, and contributions by renowned darkroom experts, this new edition promises to be an indispensable Aladdin’s Cave resource to darkroom enthusiasts of all levels.
—Tim Rudman, photographer and author

The Darkroom Cookbook is an essential compendium of photographic information for anyone interested in high-quality darkroom work.
—John Sexton, photographer

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